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Its been brought up a few times before, and usually there is a little interest but the majority sides with a traditional PDF comic.
Here is an example slice of the female muscle growth comic “Charged!”, which has been made into a webtoon type comic
Click here to see Charged Comic in Webtoon Format

There are some benefits to this comic style:
– It works really well for mobile, and most users are on mobile today
– You can do some cool effects, that you cant do on PDF
– There are many platforms out there with this, much support
– The content gets lengthened, what is contained in a 6 panel comic is many scrolls in a webtoon format
Here are what could be some of the drawbacks to this style (just a guess, leave more in the comments!)
– When people pay for something, they like getting something, a PDF feels like something you get, viewing a website, not
– People are used to reading PDFs, its been like that a long time
– Some people like to read these in places without internet, PDFs allow that
From my point of view, the PDF comic book style eventually has to go, something new has to come in to focus. However, until the minds and hearts of the users are on board with it, it will stay in the PDF world.
6 thoughts on “Thoughts on a WebToon Style?”
Good to know(:
I think a WebToon style would be a nice thing to try so go for it.
There are other digital comic types – you’re not limited to PDF.
This WebToon version of charged is beyond coolest than I imagined 🤯 but the Author who responsible for this should completely the comic 💪🏾
Please do, I will pay for this format and this story if I have to
Very Good